shells refusing to run set[ug]id

der Mouse (
Mon, 28 Mar 1994 08:31:55 -0500

>># this program will be executed when mail is sent to the fake alias.
>># since solaris sh and csh and tcsh refuse to run when euid != realuid,
>># we instead run the program we compiled above.
> Does anyone know quite what the logic behind these shell checks are?

I can't speak for their authors, but I always thought they were
designed to keep people from using set[ug]id shell scripts (which as I
hope everyone here knows, are usually a big security hole).  Of course,
it's fairly easy to use a wrapper (like setid0) to make setuid shell
scripts work even with such a shell, but someone prepared to do that is
probably sensible enough to make sure that the script is "safe" - and
even if not, there's no way to make it utterly impossible to use a
setuid script.

					der Mouse